Georgiy Molchanov


Georgiy Molchanov

Georgiy is a Ukrainian winemaker, based in the Mykolaiv region. Before getting into wine, Georgiy served as a merchant seaman. Since returning to the land, however, Gerogiy has devoted himself to winemaking. In 2018 he began working on his family’s vineyard, by his own admission “participating in all processes from growing grapes to making and selling wine… I know all the processes from grape harvesting to bottling and labelling”. As of today, the winery consists of 6 hectares, and everything is organic. Production currently stands at approximately 3,000 bottles per year - however, Georgiy’s ambition is to boost this volume to around 30,000 - 50,000 bottles per year, as the vineyard grows with time. This expansion, along with the tentative oenotourisme projects he was developing, have alas had to be put on hold due to the war in Ukraine. Mykolaiv Oblast is situated on the frontlines of the conflict, and as such the winery has found itself fired upon by Russian missiles on more than one occasion. Impressively, this has not stopped Georgiy and his family from continuing to work their land. Georgiy has undertaken courses related to winemaking and tasting, including UC Davis’ “Wine Tasting: Sensory Techniques for Wine Analysis” course, but he feels that his internship with Artémis will allow him to build his knowledge exponentially, as he “fully shares the philosophy and approach of Artémis'' when it comes to “organic and biodynamic grape growing”.